Film Fans

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Our course for 11-14 year olds

Our Young Film Fans course helps you understand films better and start to develop your own ideas. The next course starts in April 2025 and applications are now open - just fill in and return the application form here.

What is it?

Glasgow Film Theatre (GFT) is running a specialised course for young cinema fans in April 2025. It will involve lessons and activities that will help you understand films better and start to develop your own ideas as a young film fan.

When is it?

Film Fans takes place over 8 - 11 April 2025. Each day parents/guardians can drop their child off from 9am with films starting at 10am. Lunch will be provided each day. Afternoons will take place at Adelaide House, Bath Street, and will feature different workshops from film education practitioners inspired by the film. Please see the application for the full list of films. 

What will I gain?

  • Meet new and like-minded people with similar interests to you.
  • Learn about studying, understanding and making films from people in the industry.

To sign up, complete the application form below and return it to by 5pm on Wednesday 19 March. Successful applicants will be notified shortly after and will be issued a consent form which their parent or guardian must complete and return.


Glasgow Film Education | Website